王玉霞 教 授、博导
Phone: 0551-3601695
1. Origin of the blue photoluminescence from SiO2(SiC)/SiC on Si substrate。APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 89 (14): Art. No. 141913 OCT 2 2006
2. Enhanced green photoluminescence from ZnO films prepared by TFA-MOD method。MATERIALS LETTERS, 59 (24-25): 3042-3045 OCT 2005
3. Mechanism of intense blue photoluminescence in silica wires。SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS, 135 (4): 247-250 JUL 2005
4. Synthesis and room temperature photo luminescence of AgI nanoparticles embedded in silica sol-gel coating。SOLID STATE IONICS, 175 (1-4): 651-654 Sp. Iss. SI NOV 30 2004
5. Room temperature photoluminescence property boron-doped sol-gel silica。MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN, 39 (6): 747-753 MAY 5 2004
6. Photoluminescence property of ZnO-SiO2 composites synthesized by sol-gel method。JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS, 36 (23): 2972-2975 DEC 7 2003
7. Optical properties of nanometre AgI-silica composite synthesized by a simple quenching method。JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, 15 (27): 4869-4876 JUL 16 2003
8. Room temperature photoluminescence from Zr4+-doped sol-gel silica。SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS, 126 (11): 639-643 JUN 2003
9. Ionic conductivity of nano-scale gamma-AgI。PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER, 325 (1-4): 357-361 JAN 2003
10. Growth of crystalline SiC film free of cavities by heating PS/silica sol-gel coatings on Si (111) substrate。MATERIALS LETTERS, 57 (5-6): 1179-1183 JAN 2003
11. Intense ultraviolet and green photoluminescence from sol-gel derived silica containing hydrogenated carbon。JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, 14 (45): 11867-11874 NOV 18 2002
12. Thermochemical process occurring in PLD-derived SiC films during vacuum annealing。APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 193 (1-4): 204-209 JUN 5 2002
13. Effect of annealing on SiC thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition。DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS, 8 (12): 2099-2102 DEC 1999
14. The preparation of single-crystal 4H-SiC film by pulsed XeCl laser deposition。THIN SOLID FILMS, 338 (1-2): 93-99 JAN 29 1999