《Nature Materials》高级编辑Joerg Heber博士访问我校


    应我系陆亚林教授的邀请,9月28日,国际著名期刊《Nature Materials》(Impact factor: 29.897)的高级编辑Joerg Heber博士前来我校访问,并做“How to get published in Nature Materials”的报告。




    Heber博士首先介绍了《Nature》及其子刊的发展历史,在学术界的影响力。接着他详细介绍了《Nature Materials》的运作理念,编辑部如何选择评审人,如何决定一篇文章是否可以发表在《Nature Materials》上。最后他祝愿我校能做出更多创新性的工作,并在《Nature Materials》发表。
Dr. Joerg Heber:A physicist by training, a Senior Editor of the scientific journal Nature Materials. After several years of research experience in the UK, US and Germany, including industry, he now works at the interface between science and the communication of scientific results. In his role as editor of a leading multidisciplinary scientific journal he sees world-class science on a daily basis and has established close ties to many leading scientists not only in physics but also from related disciplines. In 2010, he spent two months as a visiting professor at The University of Tokyo, teaching science communication.
For the science that excites him, take a look at his blog All That Matters. As a science writer, he has a track record of publishing in-depth news features in magazines such as Nature and New Scientist and is also a frequent contributor to a number of smaller publications with global audience.
