Oklahoma大学的Yang RuiQing教授访问我系


   应陆亚林教授的邀请,11月15日,美国Oklahoma大学电子与计算机工程学院的Yang RuiQing教授访问我系,并作题为“Interband Cascade Lasers, Relevant Devices, and Their Applications”的报告。

   Yang Ruiqing教授是间级联激光器(interband cascade lasers)的发明人,1994年,杨教授在多伦多大学做博士后期间,想到利用带间隧穿效应来制备级联激光器。带间级联激光器具有高效率、低阈值、低功耗、可调谐等优点。经过二十多年的发展,目前国际上已经研制出室温中红外和远红外激光器,并且用在NASA的“好奇号”火星车上,用于探测火星气体成分。
附:Yang Ruiqing教授简介
Dr. Yang received the B.Sc. degree in physics from Zhejiang University in 1982, and the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in physics from Nanjing University in 1984 and 1987, respectively. He is the inventor of interband cascade lasers with research activities ranging from condensed matter physics to semiconductor quantum devices such as tunneling diodes, mid-infrared lasers and detectors, as well as photovoltaic devices for converting light to electricity. Prior to joining OU as a professor in 2007, he was a Principal Member of Engineering Staff and a Task Manager at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in California, where he led the development of advanced mid-IR IC lasers for applications in Earth sciences and planetary explorations. He received the Edward Stone Award in 2007 from JPL for outstanding research publication and the successful accelerated infusion of cutting-edge interband cascade semiconductor laser technology into flight mission readiness. He has authored/co-authored more than 100 refereed journal articles and two book chapters with 4 patents and over 100 conference contributions, invited seminars, and talks. He has been the principal investigator on many tasks and contracts from NASA, DoD, DoE funding agencies, and NSF.