A.J.A. Winnubst教授聘任暨学术报告会隆重举行


  10月25日,材料科学与工程系外籍教授A.J.A. Winnubst的聘任仪式暨学术报告会在环境资源楼939会议室举行,会议由化学与材料科学学院副院长俞书宏教授主持,中国科学技术大学陈初升副校长为A.J.A. Winnubst教授颁发聘书并发表讲话。我系师生参加了本次聘任仪式。

  聘任仪式上,俞书宏教授对A.J.A. Winnubst教授来中国科技大学任教授表示欢迎,并简要向大家介绍了A.J.A. Winnubst教授的工作经历和他的研究方向,他期望A.J.A. Winnubst教授常来进行学术交流并指导我们的工作。随后,在全场热烈的掌声中,陈初升副校长向A.J.A. Winnubst教授颁发了聘书,成为材料科学与工程系的又一位外籍教授。


  聘任仪式结束后,A.J.A. Winnubst教授做了题为“Micro- and meso-porous ceramic membranes for energy-efficient gas separation and nanofiltration”的学术报告。报告首先介绍了近年来无机多孔膜的研究以及应用情况,并提出了多孔陶瓷分离过程与清洁可再生能源相结合的发展前景及所遇到技术挑战,随后他介绍了其制备的气体分离膜在不同操作条件下的性能,具有较高的分离系数和长期稳定性。此外还介绍了在纳滤微滤方面的膜制备技术,采用有机硅烷以及含硅高分子对孔壁进行逐层修饰,从而调控孔径大小以适用于不同分子尺寸的分离过程。最后,针对报告会的主要内容,他耐心回答了现场师生的提问。


  Louis Winnubst graduated in 1979 from the University of Amsterdam in Inorganic Chemistry and Catalytic Materials/Processes.At the University of Twente he obtained his doctor’s degree in 1984 on the PhD thesis entitled: "Electrical and Interface Properties of Pure and Modified Yttria Stabilized Zirconia". Since 1985 he is assistant professor in Ceramic Materials/Inorganic Membranes at the faculty of Science & Technology of the University of Twente. In 1994 Louis was on a three-month sabbatical leave at the Department of Materials of the University of Oxford (prof. R.J. Brook) where he studied polymer-ceramic composites with special dielectric properties.In 1998 he stayed for half a year at the Ceramic Research Centre of Corus (now TATA steel), IJmuiden (NL), working on a project on refractory materials as used in steel ladles.From February 1999 – July 2001 he worked at the laboratory of Inorganic Chemistry of the Delft University of Technology (prof. J. Schoonman) a/o on ceramic proton conductors and education in bioceramics.Since 2004 he is visiting professor at the School of Chemistry and Materials Science of the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Hefei (prof. C.S. Chen).Louis Winnubst was president of the Dutch Ceramic Society (NKV) from 2002 - 2008.Since 2005 he is appointed as treasurer of the European Ceramic society and the Trust of the Journal of the European Ceramic Society. He is a member of the Permanent Executive Committee of the European Ceramic Society.
