

    应陆亚林教授的邀请,10月10日下午,密西根大学潘晓晴教授来我系进行学术交流与访问,并为师生们做了题为《TEM Studies of Domain Structure and Dynamic Behaviors of Ferroelectrics/Multiferroics with Atomic Resolution in Real Time》的报告,我系相关学科的教授和研究生参加了报告会。报告会由陆亚林教授主持。


Brief Biography:

    Xiaoqing Pan is an endowed Chair Professor (Richard F. and Eleanor A. Towner Professor of Engineering) in the University of Michigan’s Department of Materials Science and Engineering. He is also Director of Electron Microbeam Analysis Laboratory at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He has been an MSA member since 1998. He received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Physics from Nanjing University, and his Ph.D. degree in Physics (1991) from the University of Saarland, Germany. After postdoctoral research at the Max-Planck Institut für Metallforschung in Stuttgart, he joined the faculty of MS&E at Michigan as an Associate Professor without tenure in 1996, and was promoted to Professor with tenure in 2004. Pan has received many awards, including the National Science Foundation’s CAREER Award and the Chinese NSF’s Outstanding Young Investigator Award. He was awarded a named Cheung-Kong Distinguished Visiting Professorship (Nanjing University 2008 - 2010), and was also awarded the National Distinguished Professorship (China 1000 Talent Program), as Adjunct Professor at Nanjing University in 2009. He was an overseas member of the Scientific Review Board,Chinese Academy of Science, 2005-2010. Pan was elected to be a Fellow of the American Ceramic Society in 2011. 

    Pan's research interests center on understanding the atomic-scale structure-property relationships of advanced functional materials, including oxide electronics, nanostructured ferroelectrics and multiferroics, and catalysts. He is recognized internationally for his work in electron microscopy, that has led to the discovery of new properties and novel functionalities in these technologically important materials. His pioneering contributions include the development of quantitative TEM methods to map the electrical polarization in ferroelectrics at atomic resolution, and in situ TEM methods to uncover the effects of boundary conditions on ferroelectricity, ferroelectric vortices, and domain dynamics, and novel self-regenerating automotive catalysts, all with atomic resolution. He has published over 250 peer-reviewed scientific papers in scholarly high impact factor journals. His work has been cited over 7000 times, and his publication h-factor is 46. He has given more than 150 invited talks or keynote presentations at national and international conferences, and more than 100 invited seminars.