香港理工大学Charles Surya教授访问座谈会举行


  应朱长飞教授邀请,3月20日下午,我系兼职教授,香港理工大学电子和信息工程系系主任Charles Surya教授访问我系,并与我系青年教授做学术交流。我系执行主任杨上峰教授,朱长飞教授,武晓君教授以及部分师生出席讨论会。

  会议由杨上峰教授主持。首先Charles Surya教授作了“钙钛矿太阳电池发展与前景”的学术报告。钙钛矿电池(PVSK)是一种有机-无机复合型的,以MAPbX3为吸光材料,配合电子和空穴传输材料的新型太阳能电池。由于其优异的光电转换性能,自被报道以来,钙钛矿太阳带电池一直是该领域的研究热点,目前已报道最高光电转换效率超过20%。Charles 教授介绍

  我系近几年引进的青年教师也在会议上介绍了自己的科研工作。朱彦武教授作了“新型碳构架材料”的报告;杜平武教授作了“新型催化剂材料用于光催化制氢”的报告;向斌教授作了“Synthesis of monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides and its applications”的报告;季恒星教授作了“石墨烯在电化学储能中的界面效应”的报告。与会双方都认真听取了报告,并针对材料在能量转换方向的应用和发展展开热烈讨论。

  Charles Surya教授简介:

  Professor Surya received his PhD in electrical engineering in 1987 from the University of Rochester, New York. From 1987 to 1994 he was with the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of Northeastern University, Boston. He joined The Electronic and Information Engineering Department of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 1994. Since 2002 he served as a full professor and the associate head of the department.

  Professor Surya is the leader of the Thin Film Optoelectronics Research Group. Since joining The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, he has established a state-of-the-art Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) and a Metalorganic Chemical Vapour Deposition (MOCVD) facility for the growth of GaN based devices. Professor Surya has published widely in the field of semiconductor optoelectronic and electronic devices and has established himself as an international authority in the field of low-frequency excess noise in semiconductor devices. In 1997, Prof. Surya was invited to become a member of the International Advisory Committee for the International Conference on Noise in Physical Systems and 1/f fluctuations (ICNF) in recognition of my contribution in the field. Between 2000 and 2002 Prof. Surya served in the editorial board of Fluctuations and Noise Letters. His present research effort includes:

  Development and commercialization of GaN-based UV detectors;

  Development of GaN-based high electron mobility transistors; and

  Development of GaN -based nanodot light emitters.